I don’t consider myself being a science fiction movie lover. I’d rather see a good and happy ending romance than trying to understand the most incredible and unimaginable filmmaker’s ideas (especially when they create films such as ‘matrix and the blue pill’). But yesterday night had something different, my dear friends. I finally figured out why I enjoyed books regarding this kind of subject.
It’s not just Neytiri with its enormous and meaningful green eyes and the lion who fell in love with the lamb kind of tape. It was the whole picture. Gurls, I went nuts at the 15th minute, when they finally started to pull out the good stuff. I mean: the animals, the forest, the connections between all of them, the luminosity always astoundingly present and the three dimension effects (that were utterly studied). They even thought about Jakes legs atrophy in result of its unemployment during those three months of avatar living (and his paralytic disease)! Wow!
I’m not going to ruin your surprise by telling you more details about Avatar. Now you’ll have to see for yourself. My concern relies only on which cinema you choose to do so. Please keep away from your thought the initiative of going to Forum Montijo, in which the film layer had some serious technical problems. I stood nearly thirteen minutes in the dark, waiting for the images, while listening to all the movie lines (and the neighbour’s seat small talk). This was a big pain in the ass, assuming that I could easily understand what the characters were saying and, therefore, I got the whole picture of what was happening on the film.
PS: Please do not forget to verify the similarity between Dr. Grace smile and her avatar smile. It's beyond belief.
3 comentários:
Eu adorei o Avatar!
Está excelente em termos de imagem, relativamente à mensagem é interessante observar a perspectiva de que os humanos é que são os maus da fita, felizmente nem todos :)
eu AMEI este filme e ainda não tive oportunidade de fazer um post sobre ele. Mas este filme mexeu comigo de uma forma que nem sei descrever. Vi em 3D o que transforma ainda mais aquele ambiente tornando-nos parte integrante do filme! FABULOSO!
Está muito bem feito, sim =)
Também achámos engraçada a dança das legendas: 'direita, esquerda, centro, direita' =P a mexer de um lado para o outro para não ficar 1/3 da palavras em 3D e as outras em 2D, lá ao fundoooooo. ^^
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